想像で決めるのはもう終わりにしよう。私たちMyGolfSpyは、全ての有名ブランドのパターをテストしたからだ。あらゆる情報を度外視して、たった一つ、“パフォーマンス”だけに注目した。MyGolfSpy独自のStroked Gained(SG18)と呼ばれるスコアリングシステムを駆使すれば、そのパターがどれ位スコアに貢献してくれるか、そのストローク数を知ることができるだろう。
“2017年 MOST WANTED”シリーズは、この業界で行われた中でも最大且つ独自のマレットパターテストである。今年のテストは、MGSテストセンターで行われ、20名のテスターが参加、23本のマレットパターでテストを実施した。トータルで12,778球のパットを記録するのに、120時間以上もの時間を費やした。参加者は全員ブリヂストンB330-RXのボールを使用し、各テスターのストロークタイプは、iPing Putting App.を使用して識別した。
Strokes Gained Scoring (SG18)
私たちは、MyGolfSpy独自のスコアリングシステムを「Stroked Gained 18(SG18)」と呼んでいる。すなわち、パターのパフォーマンスを数値化する測定方法だ。SG18は、Strokes Gained法と、18ホールのスコアという単純なものを組み合わせて算出している。
今回のパターも総合的なテストだ。テストでは、5,10,20フィート(1.65、3,3、6.6ヤード)の距離からのパットが測定されており、それぞれのパター、そしてそれぞれのゴルファーによって同じ18ホールで実施している。全てのパット数を記録した後、最終的にStrokes gained18(SG18)の値をそれぞれのパター毎に算出した。
Top 5 Mallet Putters 2017
The Data
下の表は、2017年のこのテストからそれぞれの距離の順位とSG18の値を導き出したものである。各項目はそれぞれ並び替えができるようになっている。また、右側にあるStrokes Gained (SG18)の値から総合ランキングを導き出している。
Steven Wilson
8年 agoSo am I reading this correctly? The best of the best will save you almost one stroke every 18 holes?
8年 agoThree of the top Five from 5ft are Cleveland golf. I think they are on to something!
Mark Thornhill
8年 agoI need a mallet putter! Thanks for the information!
Paul Joelson
8年 agoI recently switched to a Scotty Cameron counter balanced x5 mallet. I didn’t like my Ping Serita B which was adjustable. After years of a Ping Nome belly putter, I think my Scotty Cameron is the right putter for me after being flattened and shortened to 36′.
8年 agoPlease provide the raw data so we can do our own statistical analysis and reach our own conclusions.
Mark Wollke
8年 agoWould love to see a report on the company “club champions” and why a $900 driver is better then a stock driver for the weekend golfer….
8年 agoA place like Club Champion doesn’t just grab people off the street and bring them in. Golfer’s book an appointment and know the cost. A clubfitter’s job is to maximize the potential of every golfers swing with the right equipment. It is then the golfer’s decision to decide if it’s worth the price tag. Unless you are trying to argue with hard data I don’t quite understand your bitter opinion.
8年 agoIf the results were calculated on strokes gained to dollars spent the No 2 putter might be worth a look . We’re not all millionaires .
Mitch Curd
8年 agoIt does look very nice
Mitch Bauer
8年 agoNumber 4 looks good
8年 agoThese tests can’t be helping Scotty’s sales, but then they sell a lot of collector putters for $1000+ .
Mitch Sim
8年 agoI swore I wouldn’t buy any more golf clubs this year
Mark Harr
8年 agoIt’s only March. Long way to go, lots to fix, and lots of room for improvement.
Kevin H.
8年 agoPing Sigma G finished very high in blade testing. In this test the two Vault models beat it. In your opinion, is that more related to the head shape that was tested or the vault putter being a superior mallet?
Sam Robinson
8年 agoWe’ll do an overall post so you can see how the blades stack up against the mallets. But the PING Sigma G Tyne seemed to perform very poorly against the Vault series putters – many more factors than head shape go into it though. Testers complained of the weight of the Tyne as well as the grip PING flatso grip
8年 agoThose are the exact two things that have drawn me to Tyne, but for years I’ve putted with a relatively heavy BG mallet on very fast greens and the Flatso grip is a natural fit in my rather small hands. It’s hard to do an apples to apples because the only store in my area is GG now and they don’t stock Vault line (or Enroll, or Cleveland for that matter), but I was sure hoping to see a better Tyne performance.
8年 agoHey Sam when are you guys planning on releasing the combined Mallet/Putter Test? I am interested to see if the ER2 or ER7 performed best.
Shawn Shelby
8年 agoEvenroll again.
8年 agoI’ve been a Cameron die-hard for years, but EVNROLL has my attention…
Bye bye Scotty…
Andrew Han
8年 agolol you are making a decision without even testing it? Sure this review is a really good guide, but don’t have buyer remorse like the be better golf guy. Minute 23 is when he starts lamenting. “I really want to love the club”.
3 months into it and he still feels that way. I am sure after he read the evnroll review by mgs he bought the putter. He even visited their HQ earlier this year.
BTW, didn’t watch any vlog after that one so not sure how he feels now about it. it was still 3 months of ownership.
Evnroll grabbed my attention as well and performed well, but not better than my scotty newport. I tested it at the PGA Superstore over 3 days and I concluded it wasn’t for me.
In any case, I liked the blade over the mallet evnroll. The mallet felt hollow and I holed more with the bladed. Nice putters but I am still a Scotty guy.
Nice review and looking forward to the driver most wanted.
8年 agoIs that picture really showing the toe hang for all of the putters? I had no idea the Odyssey 7 had that much toe hang. I guess it’s through weighting and not the hosel alignment?
8年 agoIt’s just the way they sit on a flat surface at the bend of the shaft.
8年 agoThat Scotty Cameron’s face would have sat as flat as the counter they are laying on.
8年 agoYeah but this cant be right … The Golf Digest Hot List only gave the ER7 a “silver medal.” LOL.
8年 agoWhat is Golf Digest and Golf magazine? Even golf is corrupted to some point anymore and integrity is lost but for only a few brave souls.
MyGolf Spy
8年 agoWe actually have done a story on Bruce.
Andrew Jacoby
8年 agoLast years winner finished .51 better in your strokes gained metric.
MyGolf Spy
8年 agoNo actually that is not accurate. SG18 is based on the field it competed against.
Andrew Jacoby
8年 agoI figured that might be the case. Is there any way to get a “true score” instead of merely compared to the field?
Andrew Han
8年 agoI am Scotty guy and forever for the foreseeable future. Nice review and guide, but why was the Ping Ketsch left out? I am assuming this is a review on 2017ish putters? I would like to see you guys add the top 3 past winners into the mix. Ketcsh had an SG18 score of 1.62 and 1.80 in 2016 and 2015, respectively. I know you guys had a 1-on-1 between evnroll and ketsch, but you should’ve add ketcsh in the mix. To be scientific, the observation and results has to be consistent and predictable.
8年 agoI don’t…
I want to hear about new stuff.
I don’t want to hear about old.
If you open that can of worms.. Hey let’s compare to 3 year old models ,5 yrs etc.
I just want to know about the best of the new crop against each other.
We all know that great stuff one year isn’t obsolete next year. Good is good.
Not needed to compare.
Andrew Han
8年 agoFair, but the motto is power to the consumer. Since we have stores like 2nd swing, global golf, and other big box retailers selling used putters, it would be valid to include past top 3 in last 2 years. Wasn’t sure if this was only for new models, since I saw the mla dream tour in here. It was in 2016, but I assume it is the newest model at the time. As an observation, seems like the putters, testers, or a combination of both were better last year. 23 putters but only 9000 putts compared to over 12k.
Dave S
8年 agoWhy is the Ping Ketch not included in this sample? I get that this is a test of 2017 putters, but seems like it would make sense to always include the Most Wanted winner from the previous year, to see how the new ones stack up… right?
8年 agoWrong…
8年 agoWrong for you doesn’t mean others wouldn’t like to see the additional stat. For the price of these winners, the more info the better.
Terry Schott
8年 agoI would love to see you test some of Bobby Grace’s putters next time
8年 agoJust switched out a Bobby Grace Triumph for an ER7. Love the BG but impossible to get new versions or do demo in Australia. Having had the BG for a few years have become very good at judging distance with it but took the leap to the ER7 in a hope for better accuracy. First day out the mid range puts were brilliant dropped 4 i would not have expected to. My anecdotal is the ER7 edges the Triumph on accuracy.
Pete S.
8年 agoGreat test. Still have yet to try an Evnroll. Need to seek them out and roll some putts.
8年 agoI purchased the Sigma G Ketsch B, this year kinda a hybrid between blade & Mallet, was that submitted for testing. Cause I really don’t think Iam gonna miss this year….lol
8年 agoI did the same thing. I saw that the Sigma B Ketsch is no longer a full mallet but not a blade either and purchased it..i loved the size. Only played 18 with it but absolutely love the way the ball comes off the face. Inside of 5 ft is exceptional, 10 feet very strong also..was playing fast greens and found 20 to 30+ feet will take some getting used to..its accurate and repeatable but Ping is spot on as far as mishits going as far as center hits. Perhaps the Evnroll is better but I havent seen one. Very happy with the new Ketsch.
8年 agoYou stated that you used the Ping fitting app, however you didn’t break down the putters in terms of balanced vs toe weighted etc. Have you all done an article on what to factor into for a putter fitting before? I switched a couple of years ago to putter I liked and only after did I learn about putter fitting ideas. But I would like to learn more. Thanks for the test!
Juan Carlos
8年 agoThe lower you get on the list, the higher the price. Ridiculous! Somebody should show this to some tour pros. since they all rock scottys…
8年 agoThey all rock custom built, hand made circle T Scotty’s. Not off the shelf Scotty’.s
8年 agoAwesome data…. just my opinion, but really I’d be most interested in the putter helping in the 5 ft in range. Again, opinion, majority of amateurs most strokes gained for them is going to be in that inside 5 ft range. Tiny % of putts are going to be gained outside the 7-10 ft range because at that range, you just need to ensure you leave yourself a gimme. Being able to knock down a 5 footer on demand will save many more strokes. I would venture to say that 3-5 times a round a better amateur misses a 5-6 footer that if made, takes them to a whole other level. Opinion… I’m gonna focus on what helps me nail it from the 5 foot range and feel comfortable there. The rest is just getting you inside that range and NO 3 Jacks…
8年 agoNot surprised by Evnroll at the top, but happy to see Cleveland coming up big again. I can’t count how many times I’ve read “I would try it, but it’s a Cleveland”, but the will drop $5 per ball on a Pro V1 and $400 on a Scotty Cameron. Well done XXIO/Srixon/Cleveland.
John Shim
8年 agoAny way you can recompute the Strokes Gained results including both blade and mallet putters — a “Most Wanted Putter”? From my read, these are Strokes Gained compared to the “field average” or blades with respect to all blades tested and mallets with respect to all mallets tested.
Alex H
8年 ago+1. I was wondering the same thing. If you total putt data I would think it would be fairly simple to combine the two sets of data.
Sam Robinson
8年 agoYes overall article coming soon!!
Steve S
8年 agoInteresting that the number 2 over all putter, the Cleveland, has NO grooves in the face. Guerin makes a huge deal about their groove technology but for the extra $200 and it gets you less than half a stroke over the number 2 putter? I love the strokes gained metric since it makes all the marketing hype much less important….
8年 agoHalf a stroke gained is huge though, you say it like it’s nothing. I would gladly pay $200 extra for half a stroke gained.
8年 agoI hope people don’t just go out and buy these putters based on rankings. You have to get fitted because what works for Jane won’t necessarily work for John! I would use the rankings to help come up with a short list of putters to audition.
Mike T
8年 agoI think it is funny that Scotty did not score better. As much as those putters cost, they can’t compete which is why I ditched my Scotty in favor of a Ping Bergen (before the test results) and I am happy with my choice. I will N-E-V-E-R buy another Scotty Cameron again. WAY too much money and no performance compared to others in the tests. That isn’t just this year but just about every year. #overrated
Dan Spencer
8年 agoThat’s the double for Evnroll! Blade and Mallet #1
Dr. Teeth
8年 agoI am not surprised to see the Edel E-1 not show better. I LOVE this putter, but it only works if you are fit for it. There is no way a putter like that will work for everyone when it isn’t fit for them. Also, the Torque Balance nature of it requires a few rolls to get used to. Were the testers allowed to take a few practice rolls to get used to the different feel of this putter?
8年 agoGuess if last year is any indication…the best mallet and the best blade will fight it out next?
Tracey Copeland
8年 agoMyGolf Spy interesting that a putter that is #1 at 20ft. Isn’t even close at the shorter distances. Why do you think that is?

MyGolf Spy
8年 agoWe have many ideas on why this happens. There are many variables at different distances that come in to play on various putters and the tech they employ. For example alignment aids on putters as the MLA or no alignment aid. Your eye uses them differently at different distances we suspect. Therefore a technology you have might be great for 10 and 20 but might not be used at all by golfers at 5 which makes it a no tech puter from that distance. Also, arc type. At longer distances arc we suspect comes in to play more and at shorter distances less perhaps. This would make a putter that was a great fit for arc at 10 or 20 maybe not as much from 5. These are a couple examples.
8年 agoIs it possible that at shorter distances the testers forego the use of the line on the ball for assistance in aiming but use it more often from longer distances?
Robi Schnetzer
8年 agoIt’s funny i always thought Scotty was the way to go after having less than big name putters, Now 3 years in I hate my Newport. I never feel good with it. Maybe it is a lose of confidence but have been reading all the reviews hoping to get back to a decent putting form
Terry Wittek
8年 agoMost of Scotty’s putters are made in China, not hand milled like advertised.
Andrew Han
8年 agoTerry, any proof of that statement?
They are all made in the USA.
8年 agoNice, I am using the Cero at 36″ with a 15″ counterbalanced grip. Easy to aim, super stable and soft feel.
Wish Golf Galaxy carried Evnroll so I could spend some time with them.
Chris C.
8年 agoI second that. I was interested in testing the Evnroll last year and these test results serve to peak my interest even more. Alas, I would have to travel out of state to get my hands on one.
Joe Conroy
8年 agoConsider making the inside 5′ more important as basically no amateurs make any 10 or 20 footers but they can make a 5′. Also, explain the SG for putting more. Your explanation is opaque (did they have to put out on the 10 and 20 footers??)
8年 agoEverything has to be putted out.
Mat Davis
8年 agoYea I think what you are missing here is that they putt out, which makes proximity to the hole after a 20 foot putt VERY important for an amateur.
Magnus Sköld
8年 agoWow, Scotty is jumbo (21 of 21) in both short and long putts.
Connor Gagnon
8年 agoGoes to show how much that company does to protect the ‘aura’ if you will of their products.
8年 agoAny reason the ER5 was not included?
8年 agoEvnroll submitted 1 blade and 2 mallets for the test.
8年 agoGotya, thanks.
8年 agoWait till you try the ER8, I got my hands on one at PGA Show and its been unreal.
8年 agoThis is the one I was really hoping to see in the test. I have an ER2 right now and have really been liking it, but I’m partial to mallets and the ER8 looks perfect. I have been avoiding going to try one out because I’m not ready to spend $360 on a new putter.
ole gray
8年 agoThank you for providing consumers with this type of information before they shell out their hard earned bucks for new products. Truly outstanding stats and info. I was surprised at how well the Cleveland TFI 2135 Cero scored and it looks like it could make a great addition to my bag. :o)
Good overall scores from the 5 – 10 – 20 ft range:
SG18 0.5
This is why I have become a member of MGS. Awesome unbiased reviews for us everyday golfers to be equipped with knowledge to better our games.
8年 agoThe Cero performed incredibly well. And thanks for becoming a member Ole Gray, we hope you will always hang your hat at MGS.
ole gray
8年 agoI’ll be hanging my hat at MyGolfSpy until I kick the bucket and I hope that’s a looonnng time off… :o)
8年 agoMe too OG. I left the Joker’s Paradise after I realized how easily bought those guys were.
ole gray
8年 agoYou won’t regret coming over to MGS! The knowledge is second to none and you can rest assured the company is mighty fine… Welcome aboard!
Now if I can just keep my mine off the TFI 2135 MEZZO PUTTER. I have had this craving to go back to a center shaft putter for some time now and this one tickles my fancy. It looks hawter than a two di*k dawg at a Friday night pound.
Donovan Childers
8年 agoHow much do you think various grips on these putters contribute to the results.
MyGolf Spy
8年 agoSomething we are very interested in figuring out, but we just do not have enough data to give an answer yet.
Terry (TMAC)
8年 agoThat would b e VERY interesting to find out. Grips play a huge role in how comfortable someone is with the putter.
No Cameron Golo mallets tested? I can’t stand the Futura model, but the Golo’s are a solid putter.
8年 agoWill the actual raw data be published? I’m just curious what the SG difference is between the top 10 in each distance. Is it splitting hairs between the top 10 or are there big discrepancies among the top performers?
William Williams
8年 agoWould the last 2 year’s winner, Ping Ketch, have beat all of these putters according to the data ?
8年 agoWe tested a Ketsch winner and an Evnroll head-to-head:
8年 agoI love my mid Ketsch, it makes me feel like I can make any putt. I can’t believe there could be a better putter out there.
8年 agoThe Evnroll ER2 beat them all!